Urban Landscapes




Outdoor Kitchen Inspiration

It’s not that many years ago that if we’d have been talking about outdoor cooking, then we wouldn’t have had much to discuss beyond the occasional barbecue. But as our summers get warmer – if not… Read More

Spring Flowers Ideas for Your Garden

It may still be raining more than we’d really like it to, but with increasing amounts of warming sunshine interspersing the showers, it’s the time of year that we see most flowers blooming in our… Read More

Garden Design Trends for 2024

In a world of climate change, predicting what the weather’s going to do far enough in advance to plan your year’s planting and landscaping is becoming increasingly difficult. 2023 was not only one of the… Read More

How We Design Bespoke Gardens

More than ever, our outside spaces are important to the way we live our lives, whether we’re looking to create a retreat from the rigours of work and everyday life, turn them into an extension… Read More

Garden Design Trends 2023

After what has been for the most part a relatively mild winter, the snowdrops are now poking their heads above ground and daffodils are starting to appear in the shops. That can only mean spring… Read More


The team here at Urban Landscapes would like to welcome you to our brand new blog page. This will feature regular posts updating readers on the latest news and advice from our company, as well… Read More

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